01 May MFT Group CEO Joins the Judges’ Table for Reality TV Show ‘Final Pitch’
By: The Final Pitch
Source: The Final Pitch
The History Channel will soon launch a reality TV show that will feature real-life entrepreneurs tasked to pitch their business proposal to judges who are, in fact, some of the country’s most successful business owners and founders. These judges are Chief Executive Officer of MFT Group of Companies “Mica” F. Tan, Potato Corner’s Co- Founder Joe Magsaysay, Sterling Paper Group of Companies & SL Agritech’s Chief Executive Officer Henry Lim Bon Liong and the Chairman of Calata Corp. Joseph Calata.
Titled as “The Final Pitch”, this reality TV show is loosely inspired by “Shark Tank” and “The Apprentice”, challenging entrepreneur- contestants in the realities of scaling their existing businesses. From exploring funding options, refining their business plans and marketing their products and services, this program is designed to give a platform for investors to find and invest in the best up-and- coming businesses and entrepreneurs in the Philippines. “The Final Pitch” is set to air in May 2017.
“This reality TV show will help small to medium enterprises (SME) discover success by connecting them to these investors for either capital infusion or start-up funding having their main objectives of restructuring their business models, recognizing the businesses growth potentials & sustainability including its risks factors.”, shares producer and host John Aguilar.
The challenges when pitching will test their business acumen and overall entrepreneurial character. In doing this, they also learn the secrets behind the success of their potential investors who are also tasked to handpick the top finalists from the show.