Maria Francesca F. Tan
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Mica F. Tan is the Chief Executive Officer of MFT Group of Companies, a private equity firm that adheres to the principles of restructuring corporate blueprints of global family legacy businesses to establish sustainable financial footing. Mica has been involved in all phases of MFT Group’s development since its founding in 2014.
Under her leadership, MFT Group mapped out a clear vision — to establish presence and profitable business models in 100 Business Areas worldwide. MFT Group’s investments around the world span a wide range of industries across asset classes, in both established and growth-oriented businesses alike, including financial services and technology, credit, healthcare, and real estate. Being the highly entrepreneurial and born visionary that she is, Mica led MFT Group in forging its entry into global markets, fueling the expansion through food and beverage interests. MFT Group has established presence in Spain, the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia. She manages operations in 10 countries and 20 cities, with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and New York.
Mica strives to create value by investing in great businesses where capital, strategic insight, global relationships and operational support can drive transformation that unlocks the company’s potential. She actively targets companies in which significant value can be created through clear strategic and operational change. From its humble beginnings of 8 employees, Mica has since built a team of close to 300 across its offices worldwide, empowering them to provide hands-on support to help MFT Group’s portfolio companies become more productive, efficient, and valuable. She leads a dedicated executive committee that helps her craft strategic business plans for these companies to reach their full potential over the long term, providing assistance as they put this plan into practice.
Mica just recently completed her Executive Program with focus on Mergers & Acquisitions at Columbia Business School in New York.